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Food Chemicals Codex Compendial Notices

Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) Compendial Notices are designed to inform stakeholders of the changing status of FCC monographs, general tests and assays, and other FCC standards-setting initiatives. Compendial Notices include General Announcements, Notices of Intent to Revise, and Publications Corrections.

Notices are generally posted at the end of the month, but can be posted at any time depending upon the urgency of the notice. The "New Notices" section includes the most recently posted Compendial Notices in chronological order.

Accelerated Revisions

  • Immediate Standard: Ethyl Alcohol (posted 12–Oct–2020; effective 01–Nov–2020)

General Announcements

General Announcements are posted on USP's website to provide FCC users with general information about the FCC, Supplements, FCC Forum, or other USP standards-setting activities related to food standards.

Unavailable First-Time Official Reference Standards

The official dates of any FCC standards, tests, or assays requiring the use of the following new USP RS are postponed until further notice pending availability of the respective RS.

  • Alginate-Konjac-Xanthan Polysaccharide Complex for Viscosity Identification
  • Blended Polysaccharide for Viscosity Identification