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FCC 12: General Tests and Assay Formatting

Type of Posting: General Announcement
Posting Date:   02–Mar–2020

This is a general announcement to let users know that the General Tests and Assay (Appendix) section of the FCC 12 print product has been reformatted to display content in a single column format. 

In addition, starting with FCC 12 online users will see each Appendix as a single document, rather than multiple smaller documents under an Appendix title. Due to the combining of the Appendices in to single documents all links to Appendix content from within the product will take users to the top of the Appendix, and not the called-out section in the linked content. To navigate quickly within the Appendices to the section you are looking for, please make use of the “Document Sections” tab on the right-hand side of the screen under the Auxiliary Information tab (see screen shot below):

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Kristie Laurvick, Senior Manager, Food Standards [301-816-8356 or
